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We're Busy Stocking Our Online Store!

Are you in the market for some new dive gear?  We've got great gear in stock for you in both our Bay City and Midland Shop.  The best way to buy gear is in-person, so we encourage you to visit one of our shops to find the gear that's best for you and the type of diving you plan to do.  But we know there are those of you out there who like to buy browse and buy online, so we're preparing to accommodate your needs.


Check back soon as we're currently stocking our online store with all kinds of 2022 gear.


We sell and stock all the following manufacturer's gear would be happy to get you into your own setup today!


Atomic Aquatics ~ Zeagle ~ Sherwood ~ Genesis ~ TUSA ~ Suunto ~ XS Scuba ~ Cressi

BARE ~ Henderson ~ AKONA ~ IST Diving Systems

DUI ~ OTS ~Hollis ~ Waterproof

& many more!



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